Workshop 1 - Micro Manufacturing PhD Summer School / Tech. Univ. of Denmark
Program: Introduction to micro manufacturing technologies and project description; Tooling process chain (milling, EDM, electroforming, micro metal forming); Polymer replication (technology and simulation); Metrology; Hands-on laboratory experiments; Work on a ‘Micro Product Design, Development and Manufacturing’ project. Total workshop duration: 2 weeks. Note: DTU´s PhD summer school competences developed since 2006 (further information can be found at: Link to PhD summer school description). A ½ day workshop regarding ethics aspects and issues will be carried out during the Micro Manufacturing PhD Summer School. Topics include: ethical issues related to the protection of health and environment in micromanufacturing and nanomanufacturing, elements of ethics for researchers and in research, health and safety for workers exposed to risk from physical agents.
20th June to 1st July, 2016
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