European Innovative Training Network MICROMAN
“Process Fingerprint for Zero-defect Net-shape MICROMANufacturing”
13 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions in the field of Micro Manufacturing
The continuous trend towards miniaturization and multi-functionality embedded in products and processes calls for an ever increasing innovation, research and development within the European manufacturing sector.
A necessary condition for the European productive sector to be at the global forefront of technology, ensuring job creation and sustainable growth, is to have access to innovative, entrepreneurial, highly skilled research engineers in the fields of micro manufacturing, micro product/process development and quality control.
The MICROMAN ITN will provide world excellent research training to 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the field of micro manufacturing proposing:
1. innovative process fingerprint framework for zero-defect net-shape micro manufacturing
2. cutting edge inter-disciplinary training in different micro manufacturing technologies
3. validation of technologies in industry for the production of micro component for the bio-medical, health-care, machine tool, pharmaceutical, quality control sectors
MICROMAN will provide an all-round, comprehensive yet specialized, training in micro manufacturing.
Specific training on project engineering research management and entrepreneurship completes the training and gives the ESR the required skills to effectively contribute to the competitiveness of the European micro manufacturing industry, to ensure job creation and well-being of the European society.
Project Coordinator: Guido Tosello, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Project Administrator: Lena Kristina Carlberg, DTU Mechanical Engineering
MICROMAN project start: 1/10/2015
MICROMAN project end: 30/09/2019
ESRs projects start: 1/04/2016 (recruiting takes place during January - February 2016)
MICROMAN project brochure and article
MICROMAN recruitment flyer