Development of a micro finishing process for the mold and forging sector within the framework of MICROMAN project

Soufian Ben Achour, a doctoral scholar and Marie Curie Early Stage researcher at Technical university of Denmark (DTU), has developed a novel micro finishing process together with the needed control and monitoring tools to efficiently perform finishing of molds and forging dies in the micro size.

Soufian is a PhD candidate at the Technical university of Denmark (DTU) and he is working at the Mechanical Engineering department. At DTU, he is working under the supervision of Associate professor Giuliano Bissacco and Professor Leonardo De Chiffre.


Soufian’s research topic involves development monitoring, control and optimization of micro finishing, which is a micro manufacturing process that is widely used in the electronics and aerospace field to obtain mirror-like surfaces with Sa<10nm. Typical examples of applications are optical lenses for telescopes or molding or forging dies.

The PhD follows the path of Industry 4.0, which is continuously pushing all the manufacturing processes towards automation and continuous improvement.

Soufian is developing and improving a micro finishing process together with the needed tools, such as optimal monitoring strategies and control solutions of the process to fill the gap related to efficient finishing.






Soufian Benachour:

"The International and diverse network that MICROMAN is providing me is of great importance for my future career."

Fun Facts

Soufian has:

  • Been working and combining several manufacturing processes in his research
  • Presented his work in international conferences.
  • Received training in 11 different institution and visited 8 countries
  • Met and discussed with researcher from all the continents.