ESR Project 8, Antonio Luca

Process/Product Fingerprint Concept for Micro Injection Moulding of a Medical Micro Component


Journal publications published

1. A. Luca, O. Riemer, Analysis of the Downscaling Effect and Definition of the Process Fingerprints in Micro Injection of Spiral Geometries, Micromachines 10, 335, 2019.



Papers published in Conference Proceedings
1. A. Luca, C. Flosky, O. Riemer, Effect of thermal conductivity on the achievable flow length of micro injection moulded parts, Proc. of the euspen´s 19th International Conference & Exhibition, Bilbao, Spain, June 2019, pp. 398-399.
2. Tosello G, Gulcur M, Whiteside B, Coates P, Luca A, Lia Fook P, Riemer O, Danilov I, Zanjani M, Hackert-Oschatzchen M, Schubert A, Baruffi F, Ben Achour S, Calaon M, Nielsen C, Bissacco G, Cannella E, Rasmussen A, Bellotti M, Saxena K, Qian J, Reynaerts D, Santoso T, Syam W, Leach R, Kuriakose S, Parenti P, Annoni M, Cai Y, Luo X, Qin Y, Zeidler H. Micro product and process fingerprints for zero-defect net-shape micromanufacturing. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. pp. 98-99.
3. A. Luca, H, Siesenis, O. Riemer, Prediction of shrinkage and warpage effects of a micro component via injection molding process simulation, Proc. of the WCMNM 2018, Portorose, Slovenia, Sep 2018.
4. A. Luca, A. Menten, C. Flosky, O. Riemer, Influence of variotherm injection moulding on the flow length of a micro part, Proc. of the WCMNM 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Mar 2017, pp. 357-360.
5. A. Luca, O. Riemer, C. Flosky, Analysis of mould design affecting the filling behaviour of an injection moulded micro part, Proc. of the euspen´s 17th International Conference & Exhibition, Hannover, Germany, May 2017, pp. 241-242.
6. A. Luca, O. Riemer, Process/Product Fingerprint concept for micro injection moulding of a medical micro component, Proc. of the Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Bremen, Germany, Nov 2017, pp. 77-82.
Oral presentations given

1. Antonio Luca, Optimizing the quality of an injection moulded medical micro component via in-line and off-line process monitoring, MICROMAN Micro-and Nano Manufacturing Technologies Workshop at the Euspen International Conference, Bilbao, Spain, June 3rd, 2019.

2. A. Luca, A. Menten, C. Flosky, O. Riemer, Influence of variotherm injection moulding on the flow length of a micro part, Proc. of the WCMNM 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Mar 2017, pp. 357-360.

3. A. Luca, O. Riemer, Process/Product Fingerprint concept for micro injection moulding of amedical micro component, Proc. of the Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Bremen, Germany, Nov 2017, pp. 77-82. 

Poster presentations given
1. A. Luca, O. Riemer, C. Flosky, Analysis of mould design affecting the filling behaviour of an injection moulded micro part, Proc. of the euspen´s 17th International Conference & Exhibition, Hannover, Germany, May 2017, pp. 241-242.